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    Our Story

    Founded in 2016, The Prague Harman Street Players first met in February, 2017 and have been putting on English-language comedy plays ever since . . . Our next venture is a full-length play entitled: The Night Shift! A New York Mafia Boss comes to Prague to hide from his enemies and to put on a play . . .Prague is his kind of town!!!!!





    We've always got someithing in the works!!!!!

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    Upcoming Show:


    The Night Shift

    November 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th 2024: The Prague Harman Street Players are back!! A Mafia Boss named 'Jerry McAdams' has come to Prague to hide out and use his experience breaking heads and supplying drugs to Broadway's finest, to produce a theater show for an aspiring young Producer. But there's one thing no Mob Boss foresees: the younger generation rants, raves, and name-drops online! And soon 'Jerry McAdams's' enemies know everything about Jerry, most especially that he isn't exactly Politically Correct enough for the younger generation of Theater Producers! In the tradition of Mel Brooks' The Producers, Woody Allen's Bullets Over Broadway and The Offer, the Story of the Making of the Movie, The Godfather comes The Night Shift!!!! How long can a Mob Boss last in a world where everything they say leaves an online trail!!!
    Pre-Order Tickets here!


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    Theater Shows

    The Prague Harman Street Players have a show coming in the Fall 2024 entitled, The Chain That Bonds You! Stay tuned for further details here!


    Questions? Want details? Email us at: harmanstreetplayers@gmail.com

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    Sketch Comedy Nights

    February, 2024, The Libido is a Lonely Hunter and May 2024, The Summer Sun Awakens the Libido to Act were unleashed to Sold Out Audiences. Both were an hysterical literary journey of the inhumane suffering in pursuit of love and satisfying human lust and need!


    May, 2024, The Prague Harman Street Players came back with a second and brand new sketch show about the most human sin of lust! Things change in the summer sun, and most especially in the summer sun of Prague! And once again, the Prague Harman Street Players brought you some of the funniest takes on classical literature you will ever encounter, starting with Julius Caesar and continuing up until the Czech porn boom!!!! Hell! Even Michael Meyers stops by for a laugh! It was hysterical, inane and one hell of a great night out!


    Short, funny and performed live on stage, The Prague Harman Street Players Sketch Comedy Nights offered a variety of ways for our Writers, Actors, and Directors to showcase and explore their talent.



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    Want to take a swing at Writing, Acting, and Getting Up on Stage? Do you want to direct your own work, be a part of a show, and become someone else in front of a live audience? The Prague Harman Street Players are looking for you! You will write short comedic works with our troupe! Email us at: harmanstreetplayers@gmail.com

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    The Prague Harman Street Players have their first collection of plays out, the Wait, What? Plays which can be found at Amazon.com and Amazon.de right now!




    Questions? Want details? Email us at: harmanstreetplayers@gmail.com

  • Performed Theatre Works

    Putting on Shows since 2018

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    The Summer Sun Awakens the Libido to Act

    A Literary Sketch Night Journey!


    May 16th, 17, 18th 23rd, 2024: The Prague Harman Street Players came back with a second and brand new sketch show about the most human sin of lust! Things change in the summer sun, and most especially in the summer sun of Prague! And once again, the Prague Harman Street Players brought you some of the funniest takes on classical literature you will ever encounter, starting with Julius Caesar and continuing up until the Czech porn boom!!!! Hell! Even Michael Meyers stops by for a laugh! It was hysterical, inane and one hell of a great night out!

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    The Libido is a Lonely Hunter

    February 16th, 17th and 24th, 2024: The Prague Harman Street Players were back with a brand new show about the most human sin of lust! For those of you unfortunate enough to have questions about that unquenchable desire you have, we take some of the funniest takes on classical literature you will ever encounter, starting with John Milton and continuing up until the Friday 13th movies!!!! It's hysterical, inane and one hell of a great night out!

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    Paris is the City of Light; Prague is, (well), a Little Bit Dark

    A Play About Prague in the 1990s

    The 1990’s: Francis Fukayama’s philosophical, nonfiction masterpiece, The End of History and the Last Man, is touted by the Clinton Administration as a cause celebre, advocating that with the end of communism, peace and prosperity can only reign supreme in the new, free market, post Soviet world order. Arriving in post-communist era Prague for this much advocated time of accord and tranquility are two polar opposite Americans. One: an American businessman, who must have missed his corporate bookstore endcap read, The End of History, and is distrusting of others, and is especially dreading the then-annual October 16th, Prague Anti-Globalization, Anti-McDonald’s Day protests. And an award-winning poet, who believes that the Czechs, stifled by years of communist repression, are waiting on a free-spirited la boheme-American author like him. Packed with a cast of Prague writers, actors and comics, Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Pardoner's Tale meets the 1990’s city of Prague in the Prague Harman Street Players’ Paris is the City of Light, Prague is (Well) a Little Bit Dark, a play which will harken us back to another era when the future of humanity seemed wide open and The End of History was within reach . . . 

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    They're Listening

     Being in the Weapon's Trade can kill you . . . so can having a stupid son-in-law

    An orchestrated murder is about to take place in the home of Frank Ableson, a man as easily distracted as the distractions he keeps about to keep himself entertained. But this isn't the first time Frank has dodged a bullet. And Frank knows, the people he works for: 'They're Listening.'

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    A Sucker Born Every Minute

    The best laid plans of mice and men are meaningless when there's money to be made!

    It's 1943, and the Germans are desperate for a win in a war they are definitely losing. Four saboteurs land on Long Island. Their mission to get to Kentucky to meet with a man who calls himself the American 'Fuherer.' The problem, he is black. And it turns out, he is the greatest scam artist in the history of America.

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    Deep Sleep

    The True Story of the Worst Adult Movie Director Ever

    He just wanted to make a film and join Friedkin, Allen, and Coppola in the upper echelons of 1980's film. The problem. His only contact in the Film Industry is his mob boss uncle. And his uncle's lone contact is in porn. Can he drop his pretentions and give the people what they want, or could he sneak in his vast knowledge of how the legends worked in a branch of the industry where high art is the last thing people want? Problems arise when the mob is financing your work and they know exactly what the people want!

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    A Prodigal Expat, His Lawyer and His Cleaning Lady Walk Into a Funderal!

    The exile's returned to say good-bye to Daddy and his controlling ways forever! But not if Daddy's partners have their way!

    Daddy made his fortune off of Jesus-ing!

    Now that Daddy's gone, the money's all mommy's and she's ready to sin and have fun!

    But Daddy's old associates have other plans. The show will go on with Junior taking Daddy's role.

    But mommy, and her newly acquired fortune have other plans!

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    Another Murder in Colorado

    On Social Media, her life was perfect,

    Until she tried to orchestrate a murder . . .

    Bonny's life seems the thing of dreams: online. The truth is her husband, Christian, has a mistress on the other side of town; her brother Billy has just gotten out of prison and is living in her basement and is well on his way to going back to jail; and then there's the ghost that arrived in her house, moments after her husband's mistress' neighbor is killed. A ghost whose sole intention seems to be destroying her life . . .

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    Radio Silence

    The Night of Terror That Stunned America 

    War veteran Harry Sharpe just wants to be left alone. He's got his house, his wife Gerdie, and his radio shows. But little does he know that Orson Welles is about to put on his radio program, War of the Worlds, the show that shocked an America already on edge and allowed chaos to reign for one really long Halloween Eve night. And as the paranoia spreads, Harry's upper class and much more worldly neighbors turn to him for help . . . gunshots ring through the night, President Roosevelt makes a desperate plea, and Orson Welles tells them that the menace is getting closer . . .

  • The Founder

    Meet the Artistic Director

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    Brian J Callaghan

    Artistic Director, Director, Actor, Lead Writer

    Brian J Callaghan was born in New York and moved to Prague in 1996 and worked in French Animation. He worked as an Editor for Tor/Forge in New York before moving back to Prague permanently in 2004. Besides running the Prague Harman Street Players, he is also a voice over actor, edits and writes prose, teaches theater and is a stand up comic. He has a wife and two children.

  • Ping me

    For questions about upcoming shows, casting, submissions or other quesries!

    Prague 7, Prague, Czech Republic
    We respond within 24 hours
  • Find me

    You can find out more by visiting our Facebook or Instagram Account or simply email us!

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